Struggling to find UGC deals?
Join Youdji and get more than you can handle.

Create your portfolio on the best UGC creator marketplace and let outstanding brands connect & pay you 100% before EVEN sending the product.
Oh and btw... it's 100% FREE 🎉

The only UGC experience where you are the main character.

Create your profile
In less than 2 minutes, create your Youdji Portfolio, add your previous work videos & photos.
Set up your pricing
You know your worth! This time, don't let anyone but yourself choose how much you should be charging for your work.
Let the brands connect!
And that's the big difference. Here, you don't do any outreach. They need your talent, so they are the one contacting you!

Forget about Canva, we've got something better.

Build your portfolio in seconds with ease.
Show the world how good and professional your content is with the only fully optimized UGC profile maker out there.
Let brands directly pay on your profile.
Forget about displaying your pricing only to wait for companies to reach out by email, get paid, now.

Get brands to discover your work

We know how frustrating it can be to find new clients. Spending hours finding new brands to contact, only to receive polite negative answer from them (when they do answer).

With Youdji, you set the tone because you're the hero. Just wait for the most exciting brands to slide directly into your inbox because your profile match, they love your craft and want to collaborate.

Manage all your business in one place

Stop depending on broad microservices marketplaces such as Fiverr, Upwork or even Twitter job listings.

Youdji helps you focus solely on creating content rather than searching for brands opportunity, filling contracts and manually edit invoices.

The software does it all for you, and there is no middle-man

(Yes, Youdji is no agency).
Time & Energy saved
More deals

Frequently Asked Questions

What is UGC?

UGC (User-Generated-Content) is brand-centric content created by everyday consumers and shared on social media. UGC differs from influencer content in that it focuses on your brand and audience, not the influencers.

Why UGC?

People no longer want to be sold to; they'd rather discover a product on their own by experiencing it through the experiences of people like them.

People buy with their emotions, not their wallets.They want to feel like they're buying from a friend who understands them.

The need for UGC is becoming increasingly important because it allows a product to be showcased in an authentic way that allows your audience to relate and build trust.

Why UGC is essential?

12X More engagement with UGC videos in average.

92% Of consumers are more likely ​to trust someone they don’t ​know than branded content in average.

86% Of businesses utilize UGC as part of their marketing strategy.

50% Decrease in cost-per-click in average.

Need to contact a person in charge?

For any other questions or eventual partnerships, please feel free to contact Youdji's CEO Lucas Gabriele on LinkedIn or directly on Twitter @TheLucasGab.

Take your UGC business
to the next level

Focus on creating the best UGCs for your clients with the most optimized portfolio & join the most exclusive community of UGC creators in the space.